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Big Readers

  • A variety of mystery, humour, adventure, etc. Stories which very skilfully combine different types of text: descriptions, narrative, dialogue, etc.
  • Brief biography of the author and website, whenever possible.
  • Age recommendations.
  • Indication of the book’s subject matter.
  • Cover with practical flaps.

The catalogue is available here.

Page  3 out of 5

The Enigma of El Cid

María José Luis

Almogavar by Accident

Fernando Lalana Luis Antonio Puente

Africa in the Heart

María Carmen de la Bandera

Send Your Child to Mars

Fernando Lalana

Feeling the Colours

María Carmen de la Bandera

My Life in Paradise

María Carmen de la Bandera
Editorial Casals, SA
Casp, 79, 08013 Barcelona
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