- Series;
- 978-84-934826-7-1
- 48 pages.
- Paperback
Without taxes: 9,52€
Taxes included: 9,90€
- Age: 6+
- 14.5 x 19 cm
I'm not Little Red Riding Hood!
Teresa Blanch
Mercè Canals
Like every year when the seasons change, parents take out the clothes from last year to try on their children and find out what fits, what could be handed down from older brothers and sisters and what will have to be given away because it's too small for anyone. Andrew foresees that he's going to inherit his big sister's red hooded coat and he's far from happy about it because everyone will call him 'Red Riding Hood.' And it comes to pass. But what will happen when a friend asks for the red garment and shows him that it has magical powers?
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Other titles in the series

The Ghost in Grandparents' House
Eulalia Canal

The Turtle that Wanted to Cross the Desert
Bernat Romaní

We’re Not the Three Little Pigs
Elisenda Roca

Squid the Cat, Who Doesn’t Want a Duckling
Paco Climent