- Series;
- Early Readers
- 978-84-8343-133-7
- 64 pages.
- Paperback
Without taxes: 9,52€
Taxes included: 9,90€
- Age: 7+
- 14.5 x 19 cm
Mr H
Daniel Nesquens
Luciano Lozano
Tired of captivity in the zoo, a hippopotamus decides to return to his native Africa. Hemanages to escape fromthe zoo with the help of some people, but themost surprising part is that nobody – not the employees at the zoo, not the pedestrians who cross paths with him and not even the customers and servers at a pizza restaurant – find it strange to see him free.
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Other titles in the series

We’re Not the Three Little Pigs
Elisenda Roca

Squid the Cat, Who Doesn’t Want a Duckling
Paco Climent