- Series;
- 978-84-8343-020-0
- 64 pages.
- Paperback
Without taxes: 9,52€
Taxes included: 9,90€
- Age: 6+
- 14.5 x 19 cm
The King of Set
Pere Pons
Riki Blanco
The king of the country in which Set lives is very fussy. He gets angry when the servants talk too loudly, or when he hears the squeal of an animal. People know the king wants silence, so they speak in whispers and keep the animals quiet¿ But Set has a cock who, naturally, crows at sunrise. The king imprisons him and then the problems start.
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Other titles in the series

The Ghost in Grandparents' House
Eulalia Canal

The Turtle that Wanted to Cross the Desert
Bernat Romaní

We’re Not the Three Little Pigs
Elisenda Roca

Squid the Cat, Who Doesn’t Want a Duckling
Paco Climent